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I am fifty-six, and love the challenges of creating and populating worlds. Every book follows the same process; decide on the characters, the plot line, settings, and the other details. The most challenging part of the process is editing. The concentration involved can trigger my Fibro fog and force me to stop writing.

I find editing hard because of how detail oriented it is. I have a piece of software that helps with the grunt work of editing. Editor handles, checks for more than fifty types of errors and offers suggestions for correction. Without this program, my work would not be worth publishing.

My writing career started more than a decade ago when I started writing free verse on many diverse topics. After doing this for five or more years, I found myself wondering if I had it in me to write anything longer than thirty stanzas. In that moment of thought, the book "Bound Freedom" began. I made the same mistakes that other first-time authors make. The book changed point of view every time a character opened their mouth. Many errors caused the book to become messed up and nearly unreadable.

After several months with no sales, I found out about the program Editor, and got a copy. Several years ago, I found out about another Scrivener. A  program that has helped me lots with the orgainzation, preplanning, and development. The program makes the grunt work easier by keeping it all organized and allowing me to write in an environment that designed for authors. Every time I start a new project, I learn something new about the process.

Writing is always a challenge. It is worth the hard work once I have a finished manuscript. From concept to publishing takes me nearly a year.


Thank you for visiting my website. Here you will find things like, current projects, completed projects, ideas for future projects, and anything else that needs annoucing.
My projects carry a voluntary adult rating due to explicit sex and BDSM scenes.  I try to keep all of my couples in situations that are close to real life. If a character has no need to work due to his/her financial circumstances, I will find a way to inform my readers of the reasons.
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