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    Jo is a hard-nosed corporate lawyer who has built her practice from a small, storefront, operation into a company with many lawyers on staff. They handle Pro-Se cases for class action purposes. Most The upper crust in town knows that she, and her company, are good people to have on your side of the courtroom.


  Away from her lawyer work, she is a fun loving woman of around forty-five. She and her wife Bry love to get away from the city and go camping when they can. It is on one of the camping trips that several things happen that would change the lives of both her and Bry.


The camping trips only happen about four times a year, and both women look forward to the days away from the condo and work. They have been married for twelve years. They think they know each other well. The weekend has several curve balls to toss at them, some of which will change not only their relationship and the relationship that they share with another couple. With Jo at the helm, and Bry trying to make sense of some of her feelings their weekend begins normally. Thigs progress rapidly to all hands on deck and a scramble for the 'safety' of  home.



Married to Jo for twelve years, Bry is the stay-at-home partner in the relationship. She spends most of her time researching and writing BDSM novels. She has several books in print and always gets excellent reviews for her work. This weekend will change her perspective on her life with Jo, and on her novels, will face a major change when some needs come to the surface that will have to be handled by Jo. 


Jo leaves Bry in charge of getting the food and loading the truck for the weekend. Today, as she picks her wife from work Bry gets worried as the clouds darken and portend a fierce storm.  Jo reassures Bry that the clouds only mean they will get a massive downpour. Both women hope it is after the tent is up, and the stuff unpacked. As part of the area Storm Watch and ARES networks, Bry knows what a storm can do for her sleep patterns. Especially if they have to hightail it home in an attempt to get there before all hell breaks loose. Bry’s mind is a mass of rolling and confused thoughts as she expertly drives the tuck through traffic to the turnoff for the campground. Bry decided to let Jo rest for the weekend so she can recharge from a hellish case that her company has just won.

Thank you for visiting my website. Here you will find things like, current projects, completed projects, ideas for future projects, and anything else that needs annoucing.
My projects carry a voluntary adult rating due to explicit sex and BDSM scenes.  I try to keep all of my couples in situations that are close to real life. If a character has no need to work due to his/her financial circumstances, I will find a way to inform my readers of the reasons.
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