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Tom is a middle-aged man who has a Clinical Psychology practice for his main job. He was formally part of a manor in the area. This manor, like many others in the area, practices a Gorean model of existence as an overlay to their daily operations. For reasons that are best known only to Tom, he joined a plot that would have led to the overthrow of the leader of the "Gorean" town.


He is a man who picked the worst time for a midlife crisis and found himself neck deep in a mess of bad luck. Tom never thought he would have to pay for what he, and the others did, he went ahead blindly and managed nearly to ruin his life.


On the way he meets a man called Rufus who is in the same mess, for the same reasons as, Tom is. They meet in the common room of the "Jail" where they are kept before the trial that will decide their fate. The longer the men languish in prison, the more a relationship builds between them; a relationship will set the path for both of their lives after the trial.



Rufus is the lone gun of the story, a formerly in the Special Forces, he preferred the jungle to living in any kind of town. How he made enough money to live on, without working, is a question that is never answered. All he says about that time is that he got involved in some bad dealings, made his money, and got out. Unfortunately, this time he did not get out of town soon enough. He now languishes in jail with Tom as his only lucid companion.


The ‘mastermind’ of the plot is jailed with them, as the book goes on he is sent to a psychiatric hospital and not heard from again. In the normal course of life in New Haven, he and Tom would likely not have crossed paths. Their backgrounds and life paths were too  different for them to have been friends.  However,  in jail he and Tom do strike up a relationship and eventually become lovers.


During the trial, Rufus faces the brunt of the questioning about what happened and why he got involved. He cannot answer why he got involved or what he hoped to gain from it. After some thought, he decides that he and Tom should remain friends after the trial. Both men decide to leave the area of New Haven, they thing it will be good for them to set up camp together because together have someone they know. Neither of them wants to be a stranger in a strange land and be alone.

Thank you for visiting my website. Here you will find things like, current projects, completed projects, ideas for future projects, and anything else that needs annoucing.
My projects carry a voluntary adult rating due to explicit sex and BDSM scenes.  I try to keep all of my couples in situations that are close to real life. If a character has no need to work due to his/her financial circumstances, I will find a way to inform my readers of the reasons.
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